
如何开始使用 Kubernetes,并创建任务


基于 AWS EC2 运行Kubernetes


1.您需要一个 AWS 账户,访问http://aws.amazon.com获得。 2.安装并配置 AWS 命令行界面。 3.你需要一个拥有 EC2 全部权限的 AWS 实例配置文件和角色

注:这个脚本默认使用“默认”的 AWS 实例配置文件。 您可以使用AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE环境变量来明确地配置 AWS 实例配置文件:

export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=myawsprofile


支持程序: get-kube

#使用 wget
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - https://get.k8s.io | bash
#使用 cURL
export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; curl -sS https://get.k8s.io | bash

注:这个脚本调用cluster/kube-up.sh, 而cluster/kube-up.sh反过来使用cluster/aws/config-default.sh调用cluster/aws/util.sh

这个过程需要约5至10分钟。一旦集群启动,你的主虚拟机和节点虚拟机的IP地址将被打印, 同样地,有关运行在集群中的默认服务(监控,日志,DNS)的信息也会被打印。 用户凭据和安全令牌都写在~/.kube/config中,在使用CLI或HTTP基本认证时需要用到它。

默认情况下,该脚本将会使用在us-west-2a(俄勒冈州)创建一个新的VPC和一个基于 Ubuntu 四节点的k8s集群。 您可以根据下面的文本,重写定义在config-default.sh中的变量来改变这种默认的配置:

export KUBE_AWS_ZONE=eu-west-1c
export NUM_NODES=2
export MASTER_SIZE=m3.medium
export NODE_SIZE=m3.medium
export AWS_S3_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_S3_BUCKET=mycompany-kubernetes-artifacts

If you don’t specify master and minion sizes, the scripts will attempt to guess the correct size of the master and worker nodes based on ${NUM_NODES}. In version 1.3 these default are:

WARNING: beware that t2 instances receive a limited number of CPU credits per hour and might not be suitable for clusters where the CPU is used consistently. As a rough estimation, consider 15 pods/node the absolute limit a t2.large instance can handle before it starts exhausting its CPU credits steadily, although this number depends heavily on the usage.

In prior versions of Kubernetes, we defaulted the master node to a t2-class instance, but found that this sometimes gave hard-to-diagnose problems when the master ran out of memory or CPU credits. If you are running a test cluster and want to save money, you can specify export MASTER_SIZE=t2.micro but if your master pauses do check the CPU credits in the AWS console.

For production usage, we recommend at least export MASTER_SIZE=m3.medium and export NODE_SIZE=m3.medium. And once you get above a handful of nodes, be aware that one m3.large instance has more storage than two m3.medium instances, for the same price.

We generally recommend the m3 instances over the m4 instances, because the m3 instances include local instance storage. Historically local instance storage has been more reliable than AWS EBS, and performance should be more consistent. The ephemeral nature of this storage is a match for ephemeral container workloads also!

If you use an m4 instance, or another instance type which does not have local instance storage, you may want to increase the NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE value, although the default value of 32 is probably sufficient for the smaller instance types in the m4 family.

该脚本也会尝试创建或者复用名为 “kubernetes” 的密钥对和名为 “kubernetes-master” 及 “kubernetes-minion” 的 IAM 文件。如果这些文件已经存在,请确保您想要在这里使用它们。

注:如果使用已存在的 “kubernetes” 密钥对,那么您必须设置 AWS_SSH_KEY 密钥为您的私有密钥。



命令行管理工具: kubectl

集群启动脚本将会在您的工作站留下一个kubernetes目录。 可以与之替代的是,您还可以从这个页面下载最新的 Kubernetes 发行版。

接下来,在PATH中添加适当的二进制文件夹,以便可以访问 kubectl:

# OS X
export PATH=<path/to/kubernetes-directory>/platforms/darwin/amd64:$PATH

# Linux
export PATH=<path/to/kubernetes-directory>/platforms/linux/amd64:$PATH

此工具的最新文档页面可以在这里找到:kubectl manual

默认情况下,kubectl将使用集群启动时生成的kubeconfig文件对 API 进行身份验证。更多相关信息,请阅读kubeconfig 文件


看一个简单的 nginx 示例,尝试使用一下你的新集群。

“Guestbook” 应用程序是另外一个流行的 Kubernetes 入门示例: guestbook 例子


Scaling the cluster

Adding and removing nodes through kubectl is not supported. You can still scale the amount of nodes manually through adjustments of the ‘Desired’ and ‘Max’ properties within the Auto Scaling Group, which was created during the installation.





IaaS 提供商 Config. Mgmt OS 网络 文档 Conforms 支持级别
AWS Saltstack Debian/Ubuntu k8s (VPC) docs   Community (@justinsb)
AWS kops Debian k8s (VPC) docs   Community (@justinsb)
AWS CoreOS CoreOS flannel docs   Community

所有方案的支持级别请参阅方案表格 .


更多关于管理和使用 Kubernetes 集群的细节请参见Kubernetes 文档
