
APIs 和 CLIs 的设计文档,概念定义以及引用


kubectl rolling-update

Perform a rolling update of the given ReplicationController.


Perform a rolling update of the given ReplicationController.

Replaces the specified replication controller with a new replication controller by updating one pod at a time to use the new PodTemplate. The new-controller.json must specify the same namespace as the existing replication controller and overwrite at least one (common) label in its replicaSelector.



# Update pods of frontend-v1 using new replication controller data in frontend-v2.json.
kubectl rolling-update frontend-v1 -f frontend-v2.json

# Update pods of frontend-v1 using JSON data passed into stdin.
cat frontend-v2.json | kubectl rolling-update frontend-v1 -f -

# Update the pods of frontend-v1 to frontend-v2 by just changing the image, and switching the
# name of the replication controller.
kubectl rolling-update frontend-v1 frontend-v2 --image=image:v2

# Update the pods of frontend by just changing the image, and keeping the old name.
kubectl rolling-update frontend --image=image:v2

# Abort and reverse an existing rollout in progress (from frontend-v1 to frontend-v2).
kubectl rolling-update frontend-v1 frontend-v2 --rollback


      --container="": Container name which will have its image upgraded. Only relevant when --image is specified, ignored otherwise. Required when using --image on a multi-container pod
      --deployment-label-key="deployment": The key to use to differentiate between two different controllers, default 'deployment'.  Only relevant when --image is specified, ignored otherwise
      --dry-run[=false]: If true, only print the object that would be sent, without sending it.
  -f, --filename=[]: Filename or URL to file to use to create the new replication controller.
      --image="": Image to use for upgrading the replication controller. Must be distinct from the existing image (either new image or new image tag).  Can not be used with --filename/-f
      --image-pull-policy="": Explicit policy for when to pull container images. Required when --image is same as existing image, ignored otherwise.
      --include-extended-apis[=true]: If true, include definitions of new APIs via calls to the API server. [default true]
      --no-headers[=false]: 当使用默认输出格式时不打印标题栏。
  -o, --output="": Output format. One of: json|yaml|wide|name|go-template=...|go-template-file=...|jsonpath=...|jsonpath-file=... See golang template [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview] and jsonpath template [http://releases.k8s.io/release-1.3/docs/user-guide/jsonpath.md].
      --output-version="": Output the formatted object with the given group version (for ex: 'extensions/v1beta1').
      --poll-interval=3s: Time delay between polling for replication controller status after the update. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
      --rollback[=false]: If true, this is a request to abort an existing rollout that is partially rolled out. It effectively reverses current and next and runs a rollout
      --schema-cache-dir="~/.kube/schema": If non-empty, load/store cached API schemas in this directory, default is '$HOME/.kube/schema'
  -a, --show-all[=false]: When printing, show all resources (default hide terminated pods.)
      --show-labels[=false]: When printing, show all labels as the last column (default hide labels column)
      --sort-by="": If non-empty, sort list types using this field specification.  The field specification is expressed as a JSONPath expression (e.g. '{.metadata.name}'). The field in the API resource specified by this JSONPath expression must be an integer or a string.
      --template="": Template string or path to template file to use when -o=go-template, -o=go-template-file. The template format is golang templates [http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-overview].
      --timeout=5m0s: Max time to wait for a replication controller to update before giving up. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
      --update-period=1m0s: Time to wait between updating pods. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
      --validate[=true]: If true, use a schema to validate the input before sending it


      --alsologtostderr[=false]: 同时输出日志到标准错误控制台和文件。
      --certificate-authority="": 用以进行认证授权的.cert文件路径。
      --client-certificate="": TLS使用的客户端证书路径。
      --client-key="": TLS使用的客户端密钥路径。
      --cluster="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的集群名。
      --context="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的环境名。
      --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]: 如果为true,将不会检查服务器凭证的有效性,这会导致你的HTTPS链接变得不安全。
      --kubeconfig="": 命令行请求使用的配置文件路径。
      --log-backtrace-at=:0: 当日志长度超过定义的行数时,忽略堆栈信息。
      --log-dir="": 如果不为空,将日志文件写入此目录。
      --log-flush-frequency=5s: 刷新日志的最大时间间隔。
      --logtostderr[=true]: 输出日志到标准错误控制台,不输出到文件。
      --match-server-version[=false]: 要求服务端和客户端版本匹配。
      --namespace="": 如果不为空,命令将使用此namespace。
      --password="": API Server进行简单认证使用的密码。
  -s, --server="": Kubernetes API Server的地址和端口号。
      --stderrthreshold=2: 高于此级别的日志将被输出到错误控制台。
      --token="": 认证到API Server使用的令牌。
      --user="": 指定使用的kubeconfig配置文件中的用户名。
      --username="": API Server进行简单认证使用的用户名。
      --v=0: 指定输出日志的级别。
      --vmodule=: 指定输出日志的模块,格式如下:pattern=N,使用逗号分隔。

